Elevate Your Communication Skills and Confidence with Lisa Elia



If you want to become a clearer, more confident, and influential communicator, this course is for you.



Elevate Your Communication Skills and Confidence

Elevate Your Communication Skills and Confidence is a 3-part mini-course that covers some of my top tips to help you quickly make meaninful transformations in your communication and boost your confidence!


Do any of these scenarios sound familiar? 

  • You don't always feel as comfortable or confident as you'd like when speaking in public. Maybe you even avoid speaking up because you get so nervous.
  • You're not sure how you come across and want to convey greater confidence and poise.
  • You keep hearing how important storytelling is but you're unclear on how and when to include stories when speaking.
  • You're looking to improve your communication skills overall and need a place to start.
  • You love learning about the strategy behind being a good communicator.


If any of these statements are true for you, you're in the right place.

This course is packed not only with communication strategies and tips, but it also includes practical exercises and prompts to help you quickly elevate your communication and public speaking skills, understand yourself and others more deeply, and contribute at work so you're recognized!


Here are some of the topics covered in this course…

  • mindset and habit shifts and exercises to quiet your inner critic, feel more confident and overcome the fear of public speaking
  • a proven warmup technique to manage nervousness and gain focus before speaking in public 
  • specific tips to replace the communication patterns that detract from your presence with ones that elevate it
  • body language shifts that will make you feel and appear most confident
  • vocal techniques to engage your audience and bring your words to life
  • storytelling tips and some of the biggest mistakes to avoid
  • authentic ways to establish rapport and trust quickly
  • tips to create and deliver clear, captivating content that reaches your audience
  • and information and prompts to help you understand your operating system, so you can decide if you want to make changes that will make you more effective overall


  • a workbook to put what you're learning into action
  • a Communication Audit Worksheet that's part of the workbook, so you gain a clearer idea of how you communicate
  • a tool to use to transform the thoughts and beliefs that don't serve with ones will give you greater sense of confidence and peace

Read what clients say about my work with them.

I share some of the same systems and processes in this program.

Who am I, you might be wondering?

I’ve helped thousands of people become clearer, more confident speakers and communicators during more than 25 years of providing public speaking, media training, investor pitch coaching, and communication consulting and coaching. I’ve created systems and processes to help them make quick and lasting transformations that have led them to wow audiences from the stage, master media interviews, and do multi-million dollar deals and capital raises.

I was hooked on communication from my first small group communication class during my freshman year in college. One of the most important things I learned from my amazing PR teachers was how to adapt messages and strategies to ever-changing audiences, technologies, and world conditions.

It is always an honor when people entrust me with their communication training because it’s very personal, even when it’s focused on business, and changing your communication changes everything!

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