Elevating and refining your communication skills is the best and quickest way to change your life.

If any of these statements resonate with you, this could be just what you're looking for:

✅ You want to feel and project greater confidence, presence, and leadership when speaking in public or one-on-one meetings, and in general.

✅ You're open to specific techniques and practices to quiet your inner critic, address imposter syndrome, and shift your mindset.

✅ You value frameworks to expand and apply more strategic thinking and emotional intelligence to your communications, so you achieve your objectives and create deeper connections.

✅ You believe you could benefit from gaining greater awareness of your communication skills overall and when speaking in public. 

✅ You want to ensure that the systems and processes that facilitate communication in your organization are running smoothly.

✅ You appreciate courses based on both research and experience.

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About Wistia



Did you know that Harvard Business Review reports that 87% of business issues result not from a lack of competency, but from a lack of communication skills?

The good news is that you can improve yours!

Watch This for a Brief Overview and Clips from the Course


What Is Communication Quantum Leap?

Communication Quantum Leap is the quintessential online training program for you if you want to become more a powerful speaker and a clearer, more effective, and empathetic communicator. 

Most people have been taught business communication skills in pieces, leaving gaps and a lack of a throughline. The modules in this program build upon one another, giving you the knowledge, strategies, tactics and tools to dramatically uplevel your communication skills.

This is the course for you if you want to:

➡️ elevate your leadership communication skills and executive presence;

➡️ improve your presentation skills, whether for internal meetings, pitches, board meetings, or other situations;

➡️ and more adeptly manage challenging situations and negotiations.

Lisa Elia's Communication Quantum Leap

What is Communication Quantum Leap?

Communication Quantum Leap is the quintessential online training program for business leaders, thought leaders, and entrepreneurs who want to become more powerful speakers and clearer, more effective, and empathetic communicators.

No matter where you are currently with your skill level, this training provides you with strategies, techniques, and tools to elevate your communication skills quickly, so you don’t have to wait months to start seeing meaningful transformation.

I based this course on the work I’ve done (and still do) with thousands of clients over the past 25 years, from a wide range of industries, positions, and countries. I’m sharing it in this form to make it accessible to people everywhere.

It's taught in the way I've coached my clients for years, with strategy, heart, and relevance in the current and ever-changing business climate.

You can take your communication skills from good to great or from mediocre to magnificent!

This is what’s covered…

Public Speaking Mastery & Your Communication Foundation

With the Public Speaking Mastery portion of the program, you receive six training modules and a one-year membership in my group coaching program. The topics covered include:

1. Assessment and Awareness - Identify Strengths, Patterns, and Areas to Improve

With this module, you receive tools to gain greater awareness of your current communication skills, including Communication Audits, a Communication Progress Tracker, and a set of four online Communication Assessments you can take to better understand your strengths and areas that could use improvement regarding:

  • how you communicate
  • how you present yourself
  • your leadership communication skills
  • and the systems, processes, and culture that influence and facilitate communication in our organization

You can choose which of the assessments you want to complete.

There are also exercises to do to increase your awareness of your communication style and patterns.

This module will help you identify the gaps in your communication skills and, if you manage a team or organization, the gaps in the processes and missing elements that could strengthen communication and company culture.

2. The Mindsets and Habits of Great Communicators

You read that right, mindsets! While you might have one primary mindset or macro mindset, you also have micro mindsets that apply to different situations.

In this module, you will learn about the mindsets and habits of great communicators, including:

  • mindsets that serve you and those that don't, and how to shift yours
  • the reticular activating system and how it shapes your life
  • how to transform your self-talk to serve you, present yourself better, and overcome limiting beliefs
  • habits to build confidence, quiet the inner critic, and stay focused
  • how to edit your inputs so you have more control over what you feed your mind
  • habits for mental clarity, reduce stress, and greater creativity
  • four habits to eliminate immediately to improve your communication and relationships
  • my Power Prep ritual to manage nervousness and gain mental focus before high-stakes situations
  • and how to deal with imposter syndrome

After completing this module, you should feel deep positive shifts in terms of clarity and confidence and feel a greater sense of inner strength and peace.

If you experience stage fright or have a fear of public speaking, this program is a game-changer!

3. Strategic Thinking and Emotional Intelligence - Two Pillars of Excellent Communication

This module focuses on understanding approaching communications with a blend of strategic thinking and emotional intelligence for the greatest impact.

It covers:

  • gaining clarity on the intention and goals of the communication, including relationship-building and preservation
  • how to understand your audience deeply so you address their goals, needs, fears, challenges, and objections and more
  • how to develop and deepen your emotional intelligence, empathy, and curiosity
  • identifying your operating system so you can decide what's working for you and what you want to change for better results
  • handling negative behavior from others with poise and confidence
  • determining what to communicate when and in which form
  • structuring your content and developing communications that reach the heart and the mind

Upon completion of this module, you will have specific strategies and tactics to navigate various situations. There are exercises and tools to help you continue increasing your emotional intelligence, which is a lifelong learning process.

4. Nonverbal Communication

This module covers nonverbal communication, which some people refer to as body language. This is crucial because up to 93% of our communication can be based on nonverbal communication.

In addition to covering advantageous or ideal nonverbal communication in various situations, you will learn to identify both overt nonverbal behaviors and subtle nuances when observing others. This module covers:

  • posture
  • gestures
  • facial expression
  • eye contact
  • proxemics (how closely you stand to others, for example)
  • how your body language can change the way you feel about yourself and others
  • awareness of how your nonverbal communication affects others
  • the habits to change to quickly appear more credible and confident, such as eliminating filler words (um, like, you know)
  • pausing purposefully for impact and to maintain your composure
  • interpreting others' nonerbal behavior

After completing this module, you should have a greater understanding of nonverbal communication and how to improve yours in each situation.

5. Verbal Skills and Delivery That Captivates

This module covers how to develop engaging oral content, and speak concisely, clearly, and compellingly. It includes:

  • prioritizing clarity and conciseness
  • reducing the use of jargon
  • using the right words for the audience and the occasion
  • determining what to say and what to leave out or save until later
  • varying your tone, pace, and intonation to engage listeners
  • attentive listening
  • establishing rapport
  • connecting emotionally to your content to bring it to life

When you complete this module, you will have learned how to communicate with more authority and polish your verbal delivery, which is extremely useful in any business or social setting.

6. Powerful Public Speaking - Structure Storytelling, and Captivating Audiences

This module brings together everything you will have learned and includes:

  • finding your "success zone" to improve every speech or conversation you have
  • how to motivate, persuade, and inspire an audience
  • the art of storytelling, how to choose which stories to tell, and when to incorporate them
  • taking the nonverbal and verbal skills you will have developed and applying them to various public speaking scenarios
  • structuring a powerful speech that suits the occasion and audience
  • how and when to incorporate humor
  • connecting with the audience and keeping them engaged
  • rehearsing effectively, including for Q&A sessions
  • creating presentations for work that are informative and clear and not bone-dry and boring
  • how and when to incorporate visuals
  • the art of storytelling, how to choose which stories to tell, and when to incorporate them
  • making the most of panel opportunities as a moderator or panelist

For those who have a fear of public speaking, we will have addressed techniques to help shift that fear and help you feel and convey greater confidence in Module 2. 

Whether you need to explain a new initiative, provide a progress report, or excite and motivate people to embrace change, this module will prepare you with strategies and tactics to help you shape and deliver your content with confidence and the right tone, be it gravitas, optimism and high energy, sensitivity, or something else.

Communication Quantum Leap Complete Program

(Includes Public Speaking Mastery)


With this program, you receive all 12 modules and access to ongoing group coaching to enable you to be the well-rounded, prepared business professional you need to be to lead your organization or team.

In addition to the modules in the left column, you will receive the ones listed below that cover topics including:

7. Executive Presence and Leadership Communication

If you are a leader or an executive, or you aspire to be one, exuding executive presence is essential. It includes having an authoritative yet approachable demeanor, the ability to persuade and influence people, and a level of charisma.

This module covers:

  • modeling the behavior you want others to exhibit
  • creating a respectful atmosphere and psychological safety
  • balancing being a good listener who welcomes contributions from team members with keeping projects and initiatives on track
  • guiding teams through change
  • creating consensus
  • managing resistance and anger
  • leading in alignment with your values or those of your organization to build and maintain trust

Upon completing this module, you will have learned how to present yourself confidently, communicate with precision and clarity, and lead with strength and authenticity.

8. Communication Essentials in Conversations and Feedback Sessions

In this module, we tie together what you’ve learned so far and apply it to your interactions, including:

  • active listening and being fully present
  • establishing rapport in a way that’s natural and genuine
  • bringing people into conversations and helping them open up
  • the art of asking high-quality questions
  • providing feedback that is constructive and, when appropriate, inspires growth, increased effort, and greater contribution
  • inviting feedback from others
  • how and when to use humor in conversations and meetings, and when not to

Upon completing this module, you will have learned how to engage in conversations and feedback sessions purposefully, confidently, and in ways that support your goals and position you well.

9. Managing Challenging Situations and Interactions

Building upon the earlier lessons regarding micro mindsets, emotional intelligence, and strategic thinking, this module provides structures and prompts for each of these situations so you can preserve relationships, minimize damage, and exude confidence.

This module covers how to navigate challenging interactions, including:

  • conflicts between team members
  • managing expectations of clients or others in your organization
  • exploring causes for underperformance
  • delivering bad news to clients, team members, or the board
  • adjusting communication to avoid legal complications
  • principles of crisis communication planning (more in-depth planning and messaging can be conducted privately, outside of this program)

Upon completing this module, you will be better equipped to navigate the twists and turns that exist in business.

10. Negotiating Skills

Your patience, skills of observation, and ability to remain calm and open are tested during negotiations.

In this module, we will apply what you have learned in previous lessons to the heightened and often emotionally charged terrain of negotiations and add specific strategies and tactics that will help you create win-win (or sometimes win-win-win) situations without compromising. This module covers:

  • thorough research and preparation to gain a competitive advantage in negotiations
  • applying empathy and curiosity to the situation
  • planning your negotiables, counterproposal ideas, and your bottom line in advance
  • how to quickly identify points of commonality and agreement so you can home in on what remains to be negotiated
  • what to do when negotiations stall or deadlock
  • power dynamics and ethical considerations
  • how to maintain your composure when things get heated

Upon completing this module and the ones that precede it, you should feel equipped to prepare for and execute negotiations strategically and effectively.

11. Writing for Business

Whether you must write emails, reports, instructions, or a presentation, your writing style and proficiency send a message of their own. This module covers:

  • how to write to reflect your personal brand and your organization’s brand, adding warmth and humanity whenever possible
  • finding opportunities to write with greater clarity, specificity, inspiration, and relationship-building, depending on your desired outcomes
  • structures and prompts to create reports, meeting agendas, and presentations
  • resources to check your writing and continue improving it

After completing this module, you will have tools to use to write effective, professional, compelling communications and to quickly unblock writer’s block.

12. Communication Systems and Processes in Your Organization 

Even the best communicators and leaders sometimes miss the gaps that can exist in their organization's communication systems and processes. Overly siloed communications can mean missed opportunities, more mistakes, and a culture of mistrust. This module covers:

  • how to ensure that every step of the chain of communication is optimized for efficiency and accuracy
  • promoting and sharing information and lessons learned with the right people at the right time
  • reviewing your organization’s technology, chains of command, chains of custody of information and materials, and processes as they relate to communication
  • viewing your communication systems and processes in ways that facilitate effective decision-making and collaboration while maintaining security when appropriate
  • ensuring that your organization’s mission, values, and ethos are represented in the many ways communication occurs

After completing this module, you will have a clearer picture of the communication engine that drives your organization and the tools and information to optimize it.


$997 or $97/month for 12 months

By paying in full, you receive immediate access to the first five modules and the rest as they are released approximately every two weeks. You will also save $167.
If you use the payment plan, you will receive immediate access to the first module and access to the others every two weeks.

Are you wondering if this is right for you?

No matter where you are currently with your skill level, this training provides you with strategies, techniques, and tools to elevate your business communication skills quickly, so you don’t have to wait months to start seeing meaningful transformation.

I based this course on research and the work I’ve done (and still do) with thousands of clients over the past 25 years, from a wide range of industries, positions, and countries. I’m sharing it in this form to make it accessible to people everywhere.

It's taught in the way I've coached my clients for years, with strategy, heart, and relevance in the current and ever-changing business climate.

You can take your communication skills from good to great or from mediocre to magnificent!

If you prefer one-on-one work, there are options for that.


Are you wondering if this is right for you?

If your primary goal is to be a better speaker and improve your communication skills, the Public Speaking Mastery course is right for you.

If you also want to deepen and sharpen your skills in leadership communication, negotiating, managing challenging situations, and assessing and improving communication systems and processes, the Communication Quantum Leap complete program is for you.

If you only want to work on learning the mindsets and habits you need to shift to be the best speaker you can be, the Mindsets and Habits of Great Communicators course is a good fit for you.

If you also want to deepen and sharpen your skills in leadership communication, negotiating, managing challenging situations, and assessing and improving communication systems and processes, the Communication Quantum Leap complete program is for you.


Read what clients say about my work with them.

I share the same systems and processes in this program.

Here’s how Communication Quantum Leap works.

You will receive access to a private portal where you can access the training materials. You will have immediate access to the first module, and you will receive each subsequent module every two weeks. 

With this program you will receive:

✅ training videos filled with information and demonstrations, when appropriate

✅ worksheets, templates, resources, and digital tools to use not only in this course but in your daily life

✅ transcripts of the videos


✅ live group coaching with me twice a month* (Your participation is optional.)

✅ additional bonus trainings and resources as I develop them

✅ lifetime membership and access to all the materials in this program

You will be able to join the group coaching calls for at least one year after you purchase this program and for as long as I provide them, which I plan to do for many years to come.

This program allows you to go at your own pace and choose the modules you want to work on. I advise everyone to complete the first five modules in order, however, so you get the most from the other modules.

$997 or $97/month for 12 months

By paying in full, you receive immediate access to the first five modules and the rest as they are released approximately every two weeks. You will also save $167.
If you use the payment plan, you will receive immediate access to the first module and access to the others every two weeks.

Here’s how Communication Quantum Leap works.

You will receive access to a private portal where you can access the training materials. You will have immediate access to the first module, and you will receive each subsequent module every two weeks. 

With this program you will receive:

✅ training videos filled with information and demonstrations, when appropriate

✅ worksheets, templates, resources, and digital tools to use not only in this course but in your daily life

✅ transcripts of the videos


✅ live group coaching with me twice a month* (Your participation is optional.)

✅ additional bonus trainings and resources as I develop them

✅ lifetime membership and access to all the materials in this program

You will be able to join the group coaching calls for at least one year after you purchase this program and for as long as I provide them, which I plan to do for many years to come.

This program allows you to go at your own pace and choose the modules you want to work on. I advise everyone to complete the first five modules in order, however, so you get the most from the other modules.


$997 or $97/month for 12 months

By paying in full, you receive immediate access to the first five modules and the rest as they are released approximately every two weeks. You will also save $167.
If you use the payment plan, you will receive immediate access to the first module and access to the others every two weeks.

Are you unsure if you need all this right now?

You have options.

If your primary goal is to be a better speaker and improve your communication skills, the Public Speaking Mastery course is right for you.

If you also want to deepen and sharpen your skills in leadership communication, negotiating, managing challenging situations, and assessing and improving communication systems and processes, the Communication Quantum Leap complete program is for you.

If you only want to work on learning the mindsets and habits you need to shift to be the best speaker you can be, the Mindsets and Habits of Great Communicators course is a good fit for you.

Here are your choices, side by side.

Communication Quantum Leap - The Complete Program

With this program, you receive all 12 modules to help you sharpen and refine your business and leadership communication skills, so you are at your best when speaking in public, leading meetings, negotiating, managing challenging situations, and more.

By joining this program, you become a full member of Communication Quantum Leap, and receive access to coaching calls with me ongoingly.

You also receive access to bonus materials that I will add to the training portal periodically. 

$997 one-time payment
$97/month for 12 months (payment plan)
By paying in full, you receive immediate access to the first five modules and the rest as they are released approximately every two weeks. You will also save $167.
If you use the payment plan, you will receive immediate access to the first module and access to the others every two weeks.
Public Speaking Mastery

In this program, you receive everything in modules 1 through 6 to help you become a confident, clear, and compelling, speaker.

You also receive one year of membership in my coaching group, where you can ask me questions and get feedback on our calls twice a month.

$497 one-time payment
$97/month for 6 months (payment plan)
Mindsets and Habits of Great Communicators

This program includes all the content in the Mindsets and Habits of Great Communicators course, which will help you gain confidence and remove the blocks to being an excellent communicator.

If you want to sharpen your public speaking skills, we recommend the Public Speaking Mastery track.

$97 one-time payment

This Training Is For You If...

  • you have a growth mindset and believe change is possible
  • you are eager to become a better communicator
  • you are willing to do the work to improve your life and those of the people around you

This Program Is For You If...

  • you have a growth mindset and believe change is possible
  • you are eager to become a better communicator
  • you are willing to do the work to improve your life and those of the people around you

This Training Is Not For You If...

  • you have an urgent need for help with your communication, such as a speech, interview, pitch, or sensitive matter requires attention in the next week or two
  • you don't have the time to go through the lessons and you'd prefer to have someone laser-focus on your goals and needs and provide one-on-one training or consulting
  • you're resistant to change and would prefer to keep things as they are in your life

If one of the first two responses applies to you, I may be able to help you with private coaching or consulting. If you want to explore that, set up a complimentary consultation with me by clicking here.


I'm Lisa Elia

Helping people improve their communication skills has been my life's work and my passion for decades. After working with thousands of clients and continuously analyzing research studies, I've discovered ways to shorten and deepen the process of becoming a great communicator.

My degree in communication with a public relations focus provided a strong foundation for my career, especially because of the emphasis on strategy, psychology, and solid business principles. When I ran my public relations firm in Los Angeles, my strategic skills and work ethic helped me attract a clientele that not only trusted me to book and prepare them for interviews with some of the world's top media outlets but also to advise them and prepare them for other situations.

Now I focus solely on public speaking coaching, media training, investor pitch coaching, and communication coaching and consulting. I've worked with clients to prepare them to raise millions of dollars from investors, deliver compelling TED Talks and other speeches and presentations, and excel in media interviews.

With clients that include startups and entrepreneurs, Fortune 500 companies, thought leaders, and other public figures, I've developed systems and techniques that work with a wide variety of people. This is what has enabled me to develop this program.

I had a fear of public speaking when I was young, which started my journey of intense study of what goes on in the mind and body that interferes with performance. I still approach communication skill development and communication issues with a blend of intellectual curiosity, emotional intelligence, and business acumen. That's my formula for success.

Lisa Elia's Photo

Communication Quantum Leap



If after reading about this course, you have decided you prefer private coaching or consulting, you can schedule a complimentary consultation with me by clicking here.


Communication Quantum Leap



If after reading about this course, you have decided you prefer private coaching or consulting, you can schedule a complimentary consultation with me by clicking here.

If you want to compare the programs again, here they are...

Communication Quantum Leap - The Complete Program

With this program, you receive all 12 modules to help you sharpen and refine your business and leadership communication skills, so you are at your best when speaking in public, leading meetings, negotiating, managing challenging situations, and more.

By joining this program, you become a full member of Communication Quantum Leap, and receive access to coaching calls with me ongoingly.

You also receive access to bonus materials that I will add to the training portal periodically. 

$997 one-time payment
$97/month for 12 months (payment plan)
By paying in full, you receive immediate access to the first five modules and the rest as they are released approximately every two weeks. You will also save $167.
If you use the payment plan, you will receive immediate access to the first module and access to the others every two weeks.
Public Speaking Mastery

In this program, you receive everything in modules 1 through 6 to help you become a confident, clear, and compelling, speaker.

You also receive one year of membership in my coaching group, where you can ask me questions and get feedback on our calls twice a month.

$497 one-time payment
$97/month for 6 months (payment plan)
Mindsets and Habits of Great Communicators

This program includes all the content in the Mindsets and Habits of Great Communicators course, which will help you gain confidence and remove the blocks to being an excellent communicator.

If you want to sharpen your public speaking skills, we recommend the Public Speaking Mastery track.

$97 one-time payment
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Elia Erickson, LLC
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